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Audio - How Do You Rhyme?
How Do You Rhyme With Crime?

"How Do You Rhyme With Crime," image and text copyright Heather J. Kirk

In honor and memory of Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Sikh man and owner of a gas station in Arizona who was shot and killed after 9-11 because “he looked like a Muslim.” This poem is for him and all other victims of racial hate crimes and terrorism throughout the world.


Can be purchased as 20 x 20 x 1" canvas wrap at http://www.photographicartistry.citymax.com/catalog/item/7086628/7585351.htm

or at any size and on any "paper" at http://heather-kirk.pixels.com/featured/how-do-you-rhyme-with-crime-heather-kirk.html

How Do You Rhyme With Crime audio file copyright Heather J Kirk

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See more ART at www.heather-Kirk.pixels.com   E-Mail Heather J. Kirk at: HJKirk @ juno dot com.

"His glory covered the Heavens, and the earth was full of His praise."  Habakuk 3:3b

All images and content Copyright Heather J. Kirk    

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