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Colorful Reconstruction Art Book

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Price: $60.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: Colorful Reconstruction Art Book

Art Book by Heather J. Kirk - Colorful Reconstruciton

The images in “Colorful Reconstruction” were created solely with in-camera digital functions and began by taking the ugly and annoying, deconstructing, then recreating with beauty and intrigue.

For a year and a half, I Aexperienced@the construction of Scottsdale’s new Water Treatment Facility, and every morning my sleep was interrupted by the sounds of pounding concrete.  Helpless to change the situation, I chose sublimation over useless anger, and began photographing the construction, and later the completed building. I expanded the locations and the subjects to include, among other things Hayden Wash, Seattle Gas Works, street corners, “horses” and even household items. The result - abstract photographic art, formed from metal, concrete and glass.

Taking the mundane through a process of limiting the view and altering perception, I entered into a fanciful world of shape and color, of reconstructed place, where water is, water once was, and where water will be again.

 All images copyright Heather J. Kirk and PHotoGraphic Artistry and Publishing

49 images / 22 pages



See more ART at www.heather-Kirk.pixels.com   E-Mail Heather J. Kirk at: HJKirk @ juno dot com.

"His glory covered the Heavens, and the earth was full of His praise."  Habakuk 3:3b

All images and content Copyright Heather J. Kirk    

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